Cause of Offensive Breath

Cause of Offensive Breath

Bad Breath Control Offensive Breath

Cause of Offensive Breath

1. From oral (Oral Cavity) - bad breath.

Cause the most common is 80-90% of patients who have difficulty breathing fetid Caused by gases that contain sulfur, called Volatile sulfur compound (VSCs) including hydrogen sulfide and scrap material methylmercaptan. These compounds from degradation of methionine and cysteine ​​by microbes in the mouth.

Foul breath from the mouth. Caused by the accumulation of bacteria that the channel between the teeth and the back of the tongue base. (May be caused by a substance from the nasal secretions. Flow into the mouth, throat. Therefore accumulate in) the germs that cause bad breath, but often include gram negative bacteria that do not want to air that is important to Porphyromonas gingivalis, Fusobacterum nucleatum, Prevotella intermedia, and spiral bacteria infection.

Conditions of containing more VSCs are low carbohydrate conditions. Acidity and neutral or alkaline conditions without air

Labour gingivitis and periodontitis. Can cause mouth odor. But bad breath can be found in those without these diseases as well.

2. Nasal (Nasal passages).

Is why the second most common is 80-10% of people who breath odor. Special characteristics. And is different from other types of characteristics that smells like butter (slightly cheesy) The nose smells of plants that Indication of a sinus infection like sinusitis or who had conditions such as obstruction of nasal polyps and may be caused by abnormal diseases such as cleft palate deformities.

In young children may be caused by foreign objects out of children enter the nostril. This is the most common cause. And the pus from the nasal cavity is often contaminated over the child. May cause a foul odor throughout. Make diagnosis difficult.

3. Tonsil (Tonsils).

Found to cause about 3%, not the main cause. Should not be treated by surgery, the paper considers the problem of bad breath, just only

Some patients may have a small stone from the tongue or tonsil while he and I usually have a foul odor. Therefore patients tend to think that smells foul mouths. The stone, which is tonsillolith from crypts of tonsils (tonsil fissure), which is treated by laser off the groove.

4. Others (Others).

Eg from bronchial and lung infections, renal failure, liver cancer, various metabolic diseases, a. That these diseases were extremely rare in patients who walked into hospital.

Important examples include diabetes, which smells foul breath toxic ketones. Found only in people who have poor glycemic control. And no one who has good glucose control.

Labour breath smell this Rarely found from the esophagus, stomach, esophagus or intestine, because it will deflate to normal. May smell while mirroring. But it does not smell for a long time, so mine look endoscopy power food (Gastroscope) should not be done in patients who have breathing problems just smell nasty

In some patients. Trying to smell his own mouth. By cigarette smoking. Back to the undesirable flavor from the smoking itself. The smell from this smoking. Will remain out of breath, even if it is stopped for more than a day. Including those who do not smoke. But those close to smoking with
Patients with dry mouth problems (xerostomia) is a problem of bad breath as dry mouth. Which is expected to be caused by acid conditions. Or may affect the bacteria that live in the mouth.
Other causes.

  • After screening the accumulation of substances, which flows into the nasal pharynx. At the back of the tongue base.
  • Oral hygiene conditions are not good.
  • Dental care is not good.
  • Cause dry mouth, stress, drugs such as speaking or coaching a long time long time between meals.
  • Unclean dentures.
  • Drink alcohol
  • During menstruation.
  • Protein foods contact area between the teeth.
  • Onions and garlic.

Bad breath from the garlic. In the first phase of the oral cavity. But it still has several hours. Although a clean mouth is well. Caused by gas, allyl methyl sulfide. Caused by absorption in the body, garlic drive. Into the bloodstream. And is excreted through the lungs by exhalation.

Bad Breath Control


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